Malandrino was born with a ready-to-drink wine. Young, fresh, a snack wine.
The vineyard is located in the Borgonovo area on a north-east oriented slope with
East-West orientation.
The blend is 65% Ciliegiolo, 20% Aleatico, 10% Foglia Tonda, 5% Malvasia B.
The planting space, 2.7 x 1 m, allows for optimal vegetative development of the vines,
canceling the shading on the rows.
The Malandrino is Guyot pruned and defoliation is done in summer
manuals to improve the composition of the grapes.
The Malandrino vineyard, like the others, is totally grassed and managed organically.
After harvesting, the grapes undergo fermentation: maceration lasts 3 days
steel, followed by soft pressing, fermentation continues in white.